Politics ID for Channels TV
During the project we did for Channels TV together with Gameday, we developed several concepts of scenes and styleframes for animation to offer to our client, and as the client gave feedback, some things needed to be changed, such as the final color of the Politics identity, and some scenes were not used. For this reason, some of the scenes that the client did not use, I thought it was worth bringing here for the world to see, because I ended up really liking the final result :)
See the full project here
Below I developed a concept of what I thought could work as an opener

At this stage, the idea was to build a bumper that worked for the identity, and in the end, it worked out quite well, the client liked the result, and in the end, we just need to change the color to blue, but as I liked the green, I decided to share :)

Now let's go to the insert package, the layouts here were approved, but the client decided at the last minute to change it to blue, just like what happened with the bumpers, but I chose to show you how it was before.

And finally, I would like to show you some concepts that I prepared to get to the final result that you saw above, some of these scenes, even though they are concepts for the scenes above, ended up being used for the Global ID video of Channels

Final result of the Opener for Politics
Final result of the Bumpers for Politics
Thank you for appreciating my work :)