
Hero base - Itaú

Marco Antonio, Lucas Vieira e Rafael Vieira

2D Animation - frame by frame
Lucas Vieira

Video Editing and 3D Animation
Rafael Vieira

''Isso muda o Game!''


We used as a reference some works that involved everything from E-Sports teams to football t-shirts advertisements. The idea was to announce the new Hero Base team shirt, and as both sports have a huge competitive dynamic, we managed to create a unique language for this project!


One of the challenges of this video was to create an atmosphere of anticipation, and an explosion at the moment that revealed the players with their shirts, all this in less than a minute, we tried to use dramatic takes at the beginning to be able to generate a great expectation in the audience.


From that moment on, a decoupage of 3 hours of content for this project takes place, the scene choices were chosen with extreme care, together with the Hero Base team. Before this final cut, there were still 3 previous cuts to reach this result, but the coolest thing of all is that we patiently chose the takes, because we knew the challenge was to try to extract the best scenes from this total of 3 hours of files


At this moment, we thought of breaking the video, in order to create a climax until the climax of its end. This scene was made exclusively in the After Effects Element 3D plugin. We use this tool for the reason of practicality and deadline. We chose the black and white tone, mixing it with some glitches, to be able to disguise a little the unreality that Element 3D presents. The good thing is that at this moment, creativity ends up helping us to create a dramatic effect.


We separate here, some moments of making of the work. We chose to do scene traking in Cinema 4D, as it is much superior to traking in After Effects. After that, we just export the tracked Cinema 4D camera to After Effects, and create the scene in the 3D element!


As much as it was a one-minute video, we tried to put the most crucial details on our editing timeline! All the audios and takes of this project were designed to create the best possible immersion for the audience!


In case you are curious to know how the making of this project went, we show you below the video from our channel Vida de Motion, which shows the work completely unraveled, from the creation of the Monster, to the delivery of the final cut!

​​​​​Thank you for appreciating our work :)

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